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Welcome, to all of our new students. We hope that all of you will embrace Grover Cleveland as your new educational home!

Dear Grover Cleveland Family,

It is my distinct honor to welcome you to our beautiful school for another exciting school year.  For our returning students I know that you proudly call Grover Cleveland H.S. your home.  For our new students I am certain that you will grow to appreciate and cherish the memories you make at your home for the next four years.  As I embark on this my seventh year as principal of Grover Cleveland High School, I am astounded by what has changed and I am even more impressed by what remains constant. 

Grover Cleveland H.S. is a school that values the voice and experience of all of our students.  We strive to ensure that this, your home away from home is a nurturing and academically challenging environment for all of our students.  If this week is your first week at Grover Cleveland High School, we wish you a warm welcome and a successful experience this school year.  If you are returning for your second, third or fourth year, we are thrilled to have you back and look forward to creating memories that will last a lifetime and fostering your intellectual growth for a prosperous future.  

Marc A Pascente,


Parent & Student Handbook For Policy and Procedures  2024-2025

Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning Grades 6–12 

Citywide Behavioral Expectations to Support Student Learning Grades 6–12 

Student Dress Code


GROVER CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL –  Marc A. Pascente, Principal

                                                                              Suzanne Ledée Garcia, Ed.D.,APPPS

2127 Himrod Street | Ridgewood, NY 11385  |  718.381.9600 extension 1361  fax 718.417.8457 |





Student Dress Code



In order to maintain a positive learning environment, it is expected that Grover Cleveland High School students dress in a manner that maintains an environment of college and careers and teaching and learning. We expect Grover Cleveland High School students to address appropriately, to ensure safety and to keep the focus on teaching and learning, while expressing their individuality. We would like all parents and guardians to remind students of proper dress protocols on campus.


Students, please take note of the following clothing items and accessories that do not support college and career readiness and so are not appropriate for a school setting:



If a student comes to school wearing clothing prohibited by the dress code, then the student’s parent/guardian will be notified, the student may be subject to the interventions and disciplinary responses set forth in the NYC DOE Discipline Code, and the student will be expected to make appropriate adjustments to his or her clothing to conform with the dress code, i.e.: turning shirt inside out, borrowing temporary clothing until the end of the school day, etc.

DOE Student Accounts

DOE Student Accounts

Every New York City public school student has a DOE account. It is created automatically when you enroll in school. Your DOE account stays the same the entire time you are in school, and with it you can access all DOE technology platforms.

Platforms include:

· TeachHub,

· Google for Education,

· iLearnNYC,

· Microsoft Office,

· Zoom,

· and more.

Getting Started

Your school must give you your username and a password. Once you have these, you can start signing into DOE applications.

Your school may give you a generic password. If so, we recommend you reset the password yourself, to something unique. This will give you more safety and security. Instructions on how to reset your own password are below. The best way to start using your DOE account is to sign into TeachHub. From here, you can access all DOE applications with one click, and you only need to sign in once.

Resetting Your Password

There are three different ways you can reset your DOE password:

1. Reset it yourself through the Student Self-Service tool. To use the Student Password Reset Password & Profile Management ( tool you must have created a PIN or set up security questions. If you have not done either, see options 2 and 3. Through this method, you can reset your own password once every 30 days.

2. Ask your parent or guardian to reset it through NYCSA. Your parent or guardian can reset your password in NYCSA. If they do not have a NYCSA account, they can create one for free.

3. Ask your school to reset your password for you.

If you are unable to reset your password, contact Mrs. Martinez via email at for help.

Letters from Principal

March 16, 2022



Dear Grover Cleveland Community,


Two years ago today, New York City Public Schools were closed due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  So much has changed in these two years.  Many in our communities lost loved ones due to the virus.  Too many became unemployed and struggled to meet basic needs.  It is important that as our community continues to recover, we remember the loss and sacrifice caused by COVID. 


Yet still, we have much to be thankful for as we continue to move forward as a school community.  During the school closure, I was humbled by the dedication of our teachers, guidance counselors, support staff, and administrators who worked so diligently to support our students’ social, emotional, and educational needs.  I am in awe of you, our parents and caregivers, who are so steadfast in your love and advocacy for your children. I am especially grateful for our wonderful Grover Cleveland High School students who faced adversity, who struggled, and who persevered in strength and resiliency.  Because of our staff, families, and especially our students, our school has emerged stronger than before. 


·        Our graduation rate is the highest it has been in 20 years

·        The graduation rate for non-native English speakers is higher than it has been for many years

·        More students are on-track for promotion to the next grade

·        We have narrowed the achievement gap between students with IEPs and all students

·        We have maintained our award winning programs, certifications, and partnerships including:


·        Lifeguard Training

·        EMT Certification

·        Amazon Cloud Computing

·        Cisco Networking

·        Syracuse University

·        LaGuardia Community College, College Now


I am particularly excited to share with you that Grover Cleveland High School was THE FIRST SCHOOL IN NEW YORK CITY to award the seal of civic literacy. 


We have much to be grateful for as a community, but especially, I am thankful for all of you, our parents and guardians who place your trust in us to care for your precious children each and every day.  Wishing you health and well-being during this Year of the Tiger. 


Humbly and with Gratitude,




Marc A Pascente

Digital Equity Family Questionnaire ***

The Department of Education has created a Digital Equity Family Questionnaire about your family’s digital access. Your answers will help identify school needs and target resources for you and your children. Further details on how to complete this survey was sent to your Pupil Path email account.

After School Programs/Clubs

AP and College Courses

We offer these Advanced Placement courses

(3 College Credits)

⦿AP Biology ⦿AP Calculus AB ⦿AP Statistics ⦿AP Chemistry

⦿AP Computer Science Principle ⦿AP Literature & Composition ⦿AP Music Theory ⦿AP Environmental Science

⦿AP Spanish Language & Culture ⦿AP Spanish Literature ⦿AP U.S. Government & Politics ⦿AP Statistics

⦿AP U.S. History ⦿AP World History

We offer these College Courses 

(3 College Credits)

⦿General Chemistry  @ New York Institute of Technology

⦿Cloud Foundations (Amazon AWS) @ Arizona State University

⦿Introduction to Sociology @ Arizona State University

⦿College Now Art History: Renaissance Through Modern Times @ LaGuardia Community College

⦿College Now English 101 Composition I @ LaGuardia Community College

⦿College Now Critical Thinking @ LaGuardia Community College

⦿College Now Public Speaking @ LaGuardia Community College

⦿College Now Literacy & Propaganda @ LaGuardia Community College

⦿College Now Algebra & Trigonometry @ LaGuardia Community College

⦿College Now Statistics @ LaGuardia Community College

⦿College Now Psychology @ LaGuardia Community College






We are the first school in New York City to have students 

graduate with the Civic Seal of Readiness


Click Here to see it on 

Civics Week kicks off | South Queens News |

Civics for All Week kicked off at Grover Cleveland High School on Monday with a celebration that included a voter registration drive, top center, and student civic showcases.Students highlighted ...

Messages for Families “What’s Happening in NYC Public Schools” 

Information about important forms for parents to complete, COVID-19 vaccination and testing, quarantine protocols, remote instruction, and resources. 

Translations are posted at





...we are the FUTURE 

Health & Safely

Child Nutrition


Special Education


Social Emotional Support



(Parents View)

(Parents View)

(Staff/Students - DOE Email authentication required) 

(Staff/Students - DOE Email authentication required)



At Grover Cleveland High School, we are committed to providing a rigorous, engaging, relevant education that equips students for the academic and professional challenges of the 21st Century. 

We are dedicated to fostering a diverse, nurturing, safe and student-centered environment where our children excel academically with continued cultural, social and emotional supports.


We believe students learn best when cognitively engaged in inquiry-based work through challenging and rigorous curricula that motivates them to formulate questions, think critically, evaluate, problem-solve and engage with one another in meaningful discourse and analysis.

We will implement rigorous instruction that is culturally responsive, delivered by a caring and dedicated staff that facilitates student engagement and discourse in a supportive and challenging learning environment.

We will foster an inclusive environment where diverse learners have equal access to instruction and graduate prepared to be civic-minded and engaged citizens of our school community and beyond and to thrive in the college and career of their choosing.


Grover Cleveland High School caters to the needs and interests of our students. Clubs can be academic, athletic or social in nature. Forming a club is easy. Students simply have to gather at least 10 interested students and gain approval from the Coordinator of Student Activities and/or the principal.

Key Club: Key Club students positively impact the community by engaging in community-based events throughout the year, which not only helps improve the community at large, but also helps build leadership abilities and bolster their resumes for college and career.

Cheer: Currently being run as a club, our Cheer program is well-on-its way to becoming a competitive sport. Cheer not only challenges our students physically and mentally, but also promotes teamwork, character building, and academic excellence.

Robotics: The Robotic Club gather students who are interested in learning about and working with robots.  It is competition driven club where teams of students must design and build a robot that can compete against opponents from other high schools in a series of specific challenges.


We are  large comprehensive public high school that offer many opportunities and pathways for students success.

We are a student-centered school deeply committed to the philosophy of creating life-long learners. Our goal is to prepare students to be productive, pro-active members of society. Our students are challenged to excel in both academic and extra-curricular programs. They are encouraged to explore, experiment and question. The faculty and staff of Grover Cleveland expect our students to meet high academic and behavioral standards. Therefore, we provide every possible means of support to help students meet and surpass those standards.

We encouraged students to be physically active and engage in sport activities.  Besides housing a pool in the main building, the Grover Cleveland High School campus also contains an attached softball field, as well as a newly renovated multi-sport field a few block away where baseball, handball, softball, soccer, tennis, and track and field can be played. Here at Grover Cleveland High School we firmly believe in teaching the whole child, academically, socially, and physically.

Planting seeds for a beautiful future
Gloving a better tomorrow
YouTube music video by Grover Cleveland student
National Broadcasting Company News

"Students at one New York high school are learning how to swim for the first time while also training to be lifeguards. 

Safe Guard Program on National Broadcasting Company News

The students are able to use their jobs as lifeguards to save money for college and help their family members in need. 

Here's is the article

9th Grade Orientation

Vaping is not safe
STOP Vaping sign

The New Trend: 

E-cigarettes and Vaping 

What We Offer You

Emergency Medical Technician Life Guarding / Water Safety Instructor

Allied Health Pathway

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Life Guarding / Water Safety Instructor 


Fine and Performing Arts Pathway

Fine and Performing Arts Pathway 

Art DramaBandGuitarVocal (singing)
Math and Science Pathway

Math and Science Pathway

Computer Science Information Technology & Networks  (Cisco)

       Be a Tiger

Raising Attainment and Pupil Progress Office

Office is located in room 118A.

 If you need to speak with someone immediately or find services, call 1-888-NYC-WELL (1-888-692-9355)

The Relationship Abuse Prevention Program (RAPP)

has joined Grover Cleveland High School this year! RAPP is a program within the organizations, STEPS to End Family Violence and Rising Ground. The Relationship Abuse Prevention Program  partner with public schools across NYC to provide counseling for students, classroom and parent workshops, and staff trainings around teen dating violence, sexual harassment, and healthy relationships; mental health; adolescent development; and social justice issues.